Friday, October 5, 2007

Rabbi Kook, first Chief Rabbi of Israel, had written that the steps leading up to the final redemption (of the Jewish people, and of the world) would follow the order of a special (and ancient) prayer called the Shemoneh Esrei (or Eighteen) --- referring to the Eighteen Benedictions listed therein. This prayer is spoken 3 times every day by observant Jews worldwide. 


The 10th Benediction is called the “Ingathering of the Exiles” which had begun with secular Zionists in the late 1800’s (by Theodore Hertzl and some Christian Zionists encouraging him) and which led to the immigration of hundreds of Jews to what was then Southern Syria (Ottoman Empire) in preparation for the formation of the State of Israel.


Christian Zionists are still involved to this very day in helping us fulfill these prophecies. And there is still much more yet to be done, where the Sanhedrin’s role will be crucial to our Nation’s success, and to the events leading up to the Final Redemption.


Ingathering of Exiles.

One of the things that must happen next is the facilitation of the ingathering of a special class of Jews --- they are the Crypto Jews. People descended from the forced converts of Spain and Portugal, who then led lives as secret Jews to hide from the Inquisition. This lasted for about 350 of the almost 500 years since Jews were exiled from Spain and had been forcibly converted in Portugal, and they represent the most difficult part of the ingathering from the West.


Restoration of Justice.

This deals with the restored Great Sanhedrin itself, the 71 member highest and oldest religious court in the world. Sub committees of this 71 member body will be established to deal with areas of special concern (such as conversions to B’nai Noah and the return to Judaism of vast numbers of Crypto Jews). These are called a Sanhedrin Katan (or a small Sanhedrin). We need this Great Sanhedrin to sanction a special “process of return” (that already has enjoyed some limited success in the USA & Israel) … to do what’s called “setting the captives free” --- which will be truly an act of restored justice.


Against Heretics.

This benediction is seen as being a prophecy against all the enemies of the Jewish people (including some who call themselves Jews, but are not). But most notably today against the Islamic Jihadists who are intent on the destruction of the Jewish people (worldwide) and of the State of Israel in particular. They are “heretics” against their own religion of Islam, which teaches that Jihad is “inner struggle”, to serve G-d properly; and that war (violent conflict) is only warranted if the Moslems are being oppressed and not allowed to observe their religion (which is NOT the case today). And true Islam teaches that the land of Israel belongs to Bani Yisrael (according to the Quran). The Sanhedrin’s role in this matter is absolutely clear, to declare that it is time for ALL Jews to come home to the LAND of Israel, because “global jihad” will continue to make Israel the “safest place” for Jews to live (and to prepare for our role in what will come next).


On the Righteous

This benediction talks about G-d blessing all the righteous, not only those among the House of Israel, but also among the Nations of the world. Part of it reads “give goodly reward to all who sincerely believe in Your Name.” One of our hopes from the Great Sanhedrin is that they will re-institute someday the ancient laws of the Geyr Toshav (resident alien) so that those Gentiles loyal to the Nation of Israel (and to the Torah for non-Jews, which are the 7 Noahide Laws) will be able to immigrate to Israel as “citizens” of this country. There is a massive B’nai Noah movement growing all around the world, (see as one example, and many of them want to live in Israel as the restored geyrim toshavim and to be taught Torah by Jews who are fulfilling their G-d given task of being a “light to the nations”. (see Daniel 12:3)


Rebuilding Jerusalem

This benediction speaks about “may You (G-d) speedily establish the throne of David within it.” There is a lot of work for the Sanhedrin in re-establishing all kinds of Torah laws (regarding the way we did things prior to our exile) about Jerusalem as THE city of the House of the L-rd (the Tabernacle/Temple), for the Lord’s feasts and festivals, and in preparation for the Davidic Reign.


Davidic Reign

This benediction speaks about the coming of our King Messiah. The Great Sanhedrin also has MUCH work to do to in preparing Israel to accept her Messiah, according the Jewish understanding and to the Torah that was given to Moses at Mt Sinai.


Temple Service

Along with preparing the city of Jerusalem as THE place to hold G-d’s House (and the Reign of our King Messiah) the Sanhedrin will be involved in getting the Priests and the Levites prepared for their restored role in the Temple Service. This might actually be the re-establishment of a restored Tabernacle of Moses, uncovered from its hiding place of approximately 2500 years ago. Vendyl Jones is only one example of a man who has been involved in this search for over 30 years (see


Most of all this can be worked on concurrently, in stages!  What an exciting time to be alive!


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